Vinyl Plank Floor Installation in Mandan
Vinyl plank floor installed in Mandan, ND
Vinyl plank (LVP) floors are becoming more and more popular, often as a replacement to carpet due to easier cleanup and ability to generally avoid stains. A couple in Mandan were doing just that, and had purchased laminate flooring from Menards in Bismarck to have installed in their master bedroom. As an approved service provider with Menards, staff offered Handyman Kota as an option to the couple and they contacted us.
An estimate was provided, sight unseen, based on square footage of flooring to be installed. The customers had removed the carpet and the floor was basically ready for installation. One “wrinkle” in the project was a number of angled walls in the main bedroom area and one of two walk-in closets.
Vinyl plank floor installed in Mandan
Total square footage of the project was a little under 600 sq. ft., including the bedroom, attached bathroom, and two walk-in closets. Installation was started on a Friday and completed Saturday afternoon.
Vinyl plank installed in master bedroom and attached bathroom
Vinyl plank (LVP) flooring installed in master bathroom